One the way back to Saigon from the Mekong Delta our bus made a pit stop so everyone could stretch their legs and use the "Happy Room" where needed. Luckily for us this particular stop had caged various monkeys for our amusement. Rena was pretty excited that this little guy would stick his foot out to say hello.

The problem with shaking hands with monkeys (aside from them being dirty little monsters) is that it gives you a false sense of security. Which causes you to get a little closer to the cages than you should.
Hey what's that in monkey's hand?

I know, it's Rena's sunglasses! They don't seem to fit though...or taste very good.

After a few entertaining moments, and with the help of a large bamboo stick, the glasses were returned to the appropriate monkey, who has now learned to stay a few feet away from her cousin's cages.
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